The Real Reel

The REAL REELlooking back at 2023

Why am I struggling with all the hype around the new year. I feel pressure from what I see out there.  It looks like this:

“Have you selected your word for the year yet?”

“What are your goals for the new year?”

“Have you done your review of last year?”

“Look at the pictures of my 2023!”

You all know what a highlight reel is – you know the wonderful pictures on social media showing others having the best time, doing the coolest things, with all the wonderful people.  We all do it, show the highlights and not the lowlights.

Why am I so stuck?  Here’s my take on why.  My 2023 paper calendar had all squares filled in with the things I did – from the mundane dental appointments to the most exciting life events. But it also brought back a flood of memories.  Like losing one of my best friends to a little-known cancer; losing one of our best Oregon buddies to a better-known cancer; and a pretty dramatic search and rescue incident to find my grandson in August.

That calendar reminds me of all the trips I made to the small town library to get good WiFi while trying to finish the million details to publish my first book.  It also shows me all the great times I spent with Tomas in our summer spot on the Oregon coast.

I can’t even begin to tell you the greatest joy and love I felt all December from the days surrounding my mega book launch party and rolling right into the best Christmas holiday I’ve ever had. When I finally took a few minutes to realize that being human means living ups and downs every day, winning some and losing some, I said, “Highlights – Shmighlights! Not for me.”

I read my favorite author/blogger Carol Thomas at Heart Sisters and her new year’s blog was spot on. We women who suffer heart disease (or any other chronic disease) struggling with new year’s resolutions should make “self-care promises” instead.  (Link to read at end of my blog)

I really like that idea! She reminds us to make these promises doable for our level of strength. These are likely small but meaningful goals. She also mentioned a project she’s done called “52 small things”. Oh again, I love this idea. I figure it’s a small weekly goal instead of one giant year’s objective.

After all my own introspecting, I remembered to talk with my heart (I tell how I learned to do this in my book -pg 159 in the paperback) and she was so helpful!

She said, “it’s okay to #JUSTBE while you re-live those glorious memories from December.  You don’t HAVE TO do anything now, especially since you’re so happy.  There’s no need to change. You can take on the next change when it feels right.”

I felt encouraged to stay on the path I’m on feeling grateful every day and sharing the message of self-care and freedom from stress.

As I bid her farewell, she said, “You be you. Trust yourself to know what feels right.”

I realized I have brilliant ideas that become huge goals ALL the time, not just necessarily on January first. So why not keep riding the wave I’m on – I don’t really want to disrupt this happy place I’m in. So, I’m just going to keep enjoying the moment, living in my beautiful space with my best friend, and writing and working everyday towards living my passion.

Oh, and that pesky word of the year decision? I got it! Like a lightbulb! It is FAITH. Faith works as my word of the year on so many levels. Faith in myself to keep focused on the things that really matter. Faith in God to give me one new day every morning.  Faith in the human race to start behaving like decent people practicing kindness.

Signing off now on this first blog of the year. Thanks for letting me share my “real reel” with you.

P.S. Read Carol Thomas’ Heart Sisters blog post –

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