My Inconvenient Heart Attack (the Story – part 1)

Sharing my heart attack with you is not easy but I am compelled to be a good advocate for women and heart health.

I had a heart attack on February 9th and it scared the you know what out of me and it also pissed me off!

Why? It was so inconvenient!


I was in the middle of a late life entrepreneur choice – teaching memoir writing, publishing a book, running an online writer’s group, & tons of other social stuff.

My to do list was a mile long and I felt accomplished as I checked off each little task.

But something wasn’t right. I was sooo tired – the proper word is fatigue. I couldn’t get through the day without laying down.

I was getting up at 5:30 to tackle that to do list and thought my sleep was faulty due to a funky pillow or the full moon.

If I didn’t get an afternoon rest I was cranky in the evening. Not like me.

Unbeknownst to me, that nagging pain in my collarbone & occasional light-headedness were also symptoms of heart attacks IN WOMEN.

Women experience a heart attack differently than men. Men have the “Hollywood” attacks we see in movies. (Pain in the left arm, clutching the chest, collapsing)

I had none of those signs yet was rushed to the ER and was saved by a tiny thing called a “stent”.

I’ll share the full story. This is PART ONE. PS. Here’s a great website for more information.

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