
Be inspired by these interviews featuring survivors who offer inspiring stories to help us create healthy lifestyles and take charge. 
Meet TERI, wife, mom, nana to four, employed at Michigan State University for 30 years, Hospice volunteer, Master gardener, and dog mom to Tuula who is in training to be a service dog. As a heart survivor, Teri shows us how important it is to speak up & loudly. 


Meet TANNIE, wife, mom, retired long-time Criminal Justice (33 years) case worker, volunteer at her church and WomenHeart. She loves to play golf, travel & read. She is a five year Congestive Heart Failure survivor. She says she, “took this mess & turned it into a message”.
Meet JENNY, wife, mom, grandmother, experienced nurse, volunteer, friend to many, award-winning baker, and advocate of women’s heart health. She was misdiagnosed for 10 years until a CABG open heart procedure saved her life.
Meet JOAN – Wife, mother, grandma, retired Connecticut state employee, devoted member of her church as well as dedicated volunteer for Donate Life of Connecticut & WomenHeart. She is a heart transplant recipient & thankful heart survivor.
Meet MAURA – Wife, mother, grandma, dedicated employee in healthcare/nutrition. She booked an early morning cardiac check up so she could get back to work by noon. She didn’t make it back to the office. Basic check up turned into angiogram which found blockages & two days later she had open heart surgery. Genetics plays a big role in her story. She is a survivor.
Meet JODY – Wife, mother, grandma, actively living life to the fullest. Twenty one years ago she was dismissed & misdiagnosed three times before having a massive heart attack. She was 44 and thus considered ‘too young’ by the doctors to have heart issues. She’s a survivor & champion.
MEET NADIA – Wife, mother, and overcomer. Diagnosed with Breast Cancer at 37, then Chemo-induced cardiomyopathy interrupting her immunotherapy. She’s a survivor, warrior & overcomer. 

MEET MICHELE – Wife, mother, soon to be grandmother, full time bookeeper.  She is a WomenHeart Champion and a survivor of congenital Heart Disease.  Born with a complex & serious heart defect, she’s lived 54 years being monitored by her doctors. 

MEET DAWN – Wife, mother, soon to be grandmother, physical therapist, and college professor. She is a WomenHeart Champion. She is a heart disease survivor and Colon Cancer survivor.
MEET KARI – Full time accountant, wife, nature lover, & mom to three cats. She is a WomenHeart Champion. Kari is a survivor of congenital heart disease, having three open heart surgeries in her lifetime.
MEET ROBIN – Retired hospital respiratory therapist, married, & accomplished builder of home projects. She is a WomenHeart Champion & currently serves on the Board of Directors of WomenHeart. She is a Heart Disease survivor.
MEET PAIGE – Wife, mother, trainer for credit unions, owner of adoption consulting business & achiever of many life goals. She is a Congenital Heart Disease Warrior. 

MEET JEANNIE – Bank senior vice president, active volunteer, and a wife, mom & grandma. She has a heart disease condition known as AFIB

MEET MEG – Devoted mom & active volunteer survived Sudden Cardiac Death & subsequent brain damage after a heart attack.
MEET MICHELLE – Runner, hiker, soccer player, Vegan, writer, and Mom. She is a Heart Disease survivor.
MEET PAM – Teacher, mentor, and author. Heart Disease survivor and Breast Cancer survivor.
MEET BJ – WomenHeart Champion, Congenital Heart Disease survivor


MEET KAREN – Nutrition & Health Coach ,  S.C.A.D. survivor, Breast Cancer survivor

MEET AMANDA – Young wife & mom, a volunteer, a Heart and Cancer survivor

MEET DARLENE – a runner, an athlete, a heart survivor.

MEET TIM – a runner & community wellness advocate & Cancer survivor.