
Here you can see published articles and video/news appearances.

This clip features part of another interview after the cameras stopped – we wanted to get a word out to young women about heart health.

I appeared as guest for “The Inside Story” and had fun doing this interview.  There was a live audience as well as online viewers.  I was told my answers to his questions were helpful.

This video interview was part of the 2022 Tucson Medical Center overall campaing that generated more than $5 million for improvements and expansion of the hospital’s CardioVascular Center.  It was shown at the 2022 TMC Gala to help raise funds.  I’m proud to be the grateful patient here!

This interview about women’s heart health with a cardiologist & patient was so fun & informative. TMC for Seniors’ Maya Luria, Tucson’s Pima Heart cardiologist, Dr. Greg Koshkarian, & WomenHeart champion- Susan Smith gather to answer some important questions!

Another TMC commercial – this one has stories from patients who did not put off seeking treatment even during Covid.  TMC is ready and safe for you.

I’m so happy with this interview!  Dianne asked me to share my story of a heart attack on a very busy day.

Celebrating Heart  Month 2021 ••• Tucson Medical Center Heart Health Month interview talking about women and heart disease.

Interview on KGUN 9 in Tucson, AZ. Click the picture, or follow this link.

This 4 minute video is a part of a national campaign for WomenHeart & Novartis about heart failure. We interviewed for 90 minutes while filming – they did their edit and voila! It sends the message.

Tucson Medical Center cardiac care commercial

Tucson Medical Center commercial:

Susan on the Tucson Morning Blend talking about women’s symptoms – click to view

KGUN-9 On Your Side: Knowing the symptoms, heart attack survivor to lead support group

Click here for video

Video for WomenHeart’s “This is how we fight” campaign:

A Matter of the Heart, published in Tucson Lifestyle Magazine, 2019

Can you hear me now? published on Medium, October 12, 2017

Is saving your family history up to you? published on Thrive Global, November 17, 2017
