Silver lining

Here’s my blog post from the other day. This, written, in my private FB writing group is just the kind of thing we ‘practice’ on each week! You can join us.

I had a good cry, like put your head down on the table & cry kind of cry. My precious wifi was gone-poof-just gone! “How will I communicate with the world?” I wailed.

When you’re committed to writing, blogging, teaching online & your connection is gone – there is devastation! Where there’s a will there’s a way & the problem resolved but not that problem “inside” of me.

I began writing with long hard strokes, the pen indented my paper, it felt good – that light pressure under the pad of my hand moving along the lines.

Soon, I’d created some good words becoming sentences becoming paragraphs becoming pages. It took me back to one of the things I love about writing and that is it’s therapeutic. That’s just what I needed and it was truly a silver lining for a tough day!

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