Know Your Numbers Ladies – Be Heart Smart!

I’ve been writing about my heart attack experience in an effort to help us know more about women’s heart health.
As women we know about breast cancer and what we can do to combat it. But what about cardiovascular heart disease in women?
I was surprised to learn ONE in TWO women are affected by heart disease. On the other hand, one in every eight women will have breast cancer.
We have all had our mammogram and learned to do self exams to help us prevent breast cancer. But do we know what to do to prevent heart disease?
I didn’t! I think most women don’t know either! Why? Because all the information out there, including ads, books, & internet resources are about men.
The ads show men having “Hollywood heart attacks” like we see in the movies (pain in the chest radiating down the left arm, clutching the chest & falling to the ground).
Heart disease affects women so differently than men, yet, ONE in THREE women will die from a heart attack. (This is more deadly than breast cancer which takes the life of one women in 27).
Women’s symptoms are different including neck pain, fatigue, shortness of breath, indigestion, & dizziness.
So what can you do to KNOW about your heart health? I asked my favorite cardiac nurse, Jenny who gave me a great tip.
“Know your numbers,” she says. Blood pressure, Lipids, and BMI. Your primary care doctor can help you get these.
Most of us know what blood pressure means, but what the heck is a Lipid? It’s the fatty stuff in our blood (cholesterol is a lipid). Standard blood tests show this number.
BMI is a standard measurement for body mass index using your weight and height. (Hint – looking for obesity).
Now here’s the fun way to remember. It’s a YouTube Parody of an 80’s song by Tommy TuTone called “867-5309 JENNY’ done by Mayo Clinic promoting heart health – it’s a perfect way to KNOW YOUR NUMBERS!
You’ll be humming it after you hear it!