
It makes my heart happy when people express their appreciation after hearing me speak. I cherish reading the emails, texts, and messages, as each one confirms my mission.

My mission is to empower women to understand their hearts and care for their bodies, especially since Heart Disease is the number one killer of women, taking the lives of one in three.

It’s an honor to answer questions on heart health and self-care. I believe one question asked & answered benefits others who are listening.

Whenever you show your appreciation, please know that I am grateful to each and every one of you. I believe that once you are aware of the symptoms of heart attack in women, you will help spread the word to others. Reach out to me anytime. I love sharing and helping.

“After hearing Susan speak, I went to my doctor and asked for lab tests to check my cholesterol."
Tucson, AZ
“I had no idea of these symptoms. I’m going to get checked, there is high blood pressure in my family.”.
Tucson, AZ
“My father died of a heart attack. I know I need to get checked out. I’ll follow her advice and call tomorrow for an appointment.”
Tucson, AZ
"Thanks so much for the information the other night. It was certainly useful and helpful for all of us. Enjoyed meeting you and thank you for taking your time to now help others."
Tucson, AZ
"Susan, your talk was fantastic!"
Tucson, AZ
"Great article in the Star today. Your information is so important for women's health."
Tucson, AZ
"My mother saw your commercial and told me to talk to you. We have high cholesterol in our family. Thank you for talking to me and giving me the literature. I will get checked."
Tucson, AZ
"Lovely, lovely luncheon. Susan, your Heart Healthy information was SO valuable. Thank you so much for sharing!"
Tucson, AZ
“Susan, you are saving women’s lives every day. You may never meet them all, but know they are there. Thank you”.
Tucson, AZ
"Thank you Susan for your amazing presentation today, always helping women to be Heart Healthy! God saved you so you could save others. You are a blessing."
Tucson, AZ
“Great article in the Star today. Your story resonates with other women who lead busy lives!”
Tucson, AZ
“She helps us recognize ourselves in her stories. Those of us like me, who think it’s our job to fix everyone and everything, are exhausted, and her words resonate. We need to take care of ourselves if we want to help others. Thanks, Susan, for the reminders!”
Tucson, AZ
“Only another heart sister can really understand. I almost died, too, after my open heart surgery. When I woke up, I said, "I'm alive. That's good." Thank you for your wonderful book. It will help so many!
Boerne, TX
"One of my favorite people!! If you don’t know Susan, get to know her! She is a passionate, strong, elegant and special lady, who has a BIG heart which now is dedicated to women taking care of their hearts! Glad I still get to be on this journey with you, my dear! Love you! Here’s to many more years!"
Tucson, AZ
"Today I finally got to see my heart sister/mentor in person at the Go Red for Women luncheon. When I reached out for support after my heart attack almost 6 months ago it was Susan who got the call! Unfortunately she had just left for Oregon for the summer so I never met her face to face. She has been so instrumental in my recovery. Words can’t express how much her support has meant to me. Needless to say when I met her today I gave her a big hug and cried! Thank you Susan Womer Smith. You are my inspiration! I [heart] you!"
Tucson, AZ
"I saw you in a cardiac commercial for the hospital. I didn’t believe it at first because you look so healthy. I see appearances don’t determine our health. Thank you for talking to me, I’m going to get checked out. You made a difference to me today."
Tucson, AZ
"'46% of women will not go to the ER when they exhibit symptoms of a heart attack.' I loved hearing Susan Womer Smith tell her story of her 'inconvenient heart attack' at the Network of Extraordinary Women because it is so relatable. February is Wear Red for Heart Month and I encourage you to take a moment listen to your body, take care of yourself and #justbe."
Tucson, AZ
"It was very informative to hear Susan Womer Smith's story. I think I would have been just like her - too busy to want to stop and check it out. Glad you did!! Very important topic! We need to listen when our bodies talk to us."
Tucson, AZ
“On behalf of all the WELCA women, I want to say thank you for a marvelous and informative presentation today. It was well-stated and down-to-earth. I believe you may have saved some lives in the doing!”
Green Valley, AZ
“TOO BUSY - After a delicious sampling of salads and desserts provided by the ladies of Desert Hills Lutheran Church, Susan Smith presented women's heart attack signs and excuses why women do not want to go to the hospital for evaluation. Her personal story included how she was too busy for a heart attack on the day she had hers. Thank you”
The ladies of Desert Hills Lutheran Church
Green Valley, AZ